The Team Builder That

Scales Your E-commerce Brand

and Removes Common Barriers to Success

The Team Builder That Scales Your E-commerce Brand and Removes Common Barriers to Success

When I started working on my first business,

I was overwhelmed by all the advice of these so-called "ECommerce Experts".

I always felt like they were holding something back. A magic wand that would finally glue all the pieces together and reveal the bigger picture to me.

And if I'd only keep following their advice on growing eCommerce businesses and weekly content on YouTube about marketing, sales, lead gen, and more, this magic wand would eventually reveal itself to me.

But I was wrong. There's no magic in business...

There is something better!

So, if you feel too overwhelmed by the overpromises of some of these "eCommerce experts"...

Then this message is for you.

Stop just hoping to boost your business

Gather an Experienced and Knowledgeable staff to help you do it!

What most people do when starting a business is ignore the potholes in their team until they create a large crater, thus preventing them from scaling. They either:

  • Overlook an organizational problem that needs attention
  • Need more talent and the right people to do certain duties, or
  • Already have a great team in place, but need a specific person to help their company grow further.

Overlook an organizational problem that needs attention

Need more talent and the right people to do certain duties, or

Already have a great team in place, but need a specific person to help their company grow further.

Overlook an organizational problem that needs attention

Need more talent and the right people to do certain duties, or

Already have a great team in place, but need a specific person to help their company grow further.

...the list goes on and on. And of course, none of that BS works! (excuse my language)

Look, you can't build a successful business without having the right team. If this is where you want to be - quit reading.

If not, here's how you can do it

and it works every single time!

You can keep interviewing the wrong applicants, posting on job boards,

promoting your business by yourself, OR…

By now, I am confident you know that neither doing staffing by yourself nor posting on job boards will get you off the ground.

But I’ve got an approach that works.

And I had many people asking me how I am doing it and if I could do the same for them?!

Until now, I was too busy building my fortress.

But I've solidified my processes, and for the first time, the answer is:

Yes, I can manage to help a handful of eCommerce brands...

By now, I am confident you know that neither doing staffing by yourself nor posting on job boards will get you off the ground.

But I’ve got an approach that works.

And I had many people asking me how I am doing it and if I could do the same for them?!

Until now, I was too busy building my own fortress.

But I've solidified my processes and for the first time, the answer is:

Yes, I can manage to help a handful of eCommerce brands...

After building multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses,

After building multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses,

My team and I re-engineered every single one of them, extracted the essence, matched similarities, and formed a simple process. It's the exact process we follow every time we start a new business for us or our clients. It's the process of finding skilled talents, qualifying them to gather only the best, and eventually assembling a powerhouse that will get your eCommerce business off the ground.

And for the first time, we allow a handful of people to join us and follow our blueprint.

Here's What Your Hand-holding Team Builder Looks Like

Here's What Your Hand-holding Team Builder Looks Like

Our staffing services are designed for eCommerce businesses wanting to grow but are overwhelmed by the impact of not having the right team. It's for the entrepreneurs who don't want to waste another year holding back success when the appropriate talents are out there, just waiting to be found. With us, you'll get a team comprised of top-notch employees who are just as passionate about work as you are. We'll match your eCommerce business with the perfect employees, so you can finally promote and increase your profit margins.

But it's not just A-Z recruitment, then we’ll bid you goodbye.

Before, during, and immediately after the course of the search,

we will take you by the hand and help you:

Identify what skills and expertise you’re looking for, keeping in mind your business culture and needs;

Choose the best talent.

Test, pre-qualify, and perform background checks on the prospect

Interview them to ensure they’re the right fit for you

Help you build a relationship with them to instigate a good working relationship.

Plus, our 14-day guarantee assures you that we will give you new talent should your current ones fail to meet your expectations.

Yes, you heard right!

You finally get yourself a "Headhunter" who has been there and walks you through the exact process.

One who understands that for your business to reach new heights, you need the right people on board. So even if you have absolutely no idea where to source the best employees, you can rest assured that we’ll handle your staffing needs for you..

Before, during, and immediately after the course of the search,

we will take you by the hand and help you:

Identify what skills and expertise you’re looking for, keeping in mind your business culture and needs;

Choose the best talent.

Test, pre-qualify, and perform background checks on the prospect;

Interview them to ensure they’re the right fit for you; and

Help you build a relationship with them to instigate a good working relationship.

Plus, our 14-day guarantee assures you that we will give you new talent should your current ones fail to meet your expectations.

Yes, you heard right!

You finally get yourself a "Headhunter" who has been there and walks you through the exact process.

One who understands that for your business to reach new heights, you need the right people on board. So even if you have absolutely no idea where to source the best employees, you can rest assured that we’ll handle your staffing needs for you..

What Our Client's Say

Success Stories

“ Me and my fiancé run multiple successful online businesses. It’s a very hard task to manage our companies and relationships. Through building teams and systems our companies scaled to numbers we’d never imagine. We’re very grateful because it also allowed us to spend time with each other and travel to our dream destinations. All work and no play is no fun but it’s hard to leave your business knowing you don’t have a reliable team. “

Chris & Jennifer

Finally, It’s Your Turn

I've picked the testimonials above from Person A, Person B, and Person C not because they are the most cheering, but because they are a good representation of what working with me feels like and what you can expect.

I genuinely believe this is the most accurate reflection of what's ahead of you. And I am certain you'll say something equally good after working with me and my team.

Recap! Here's exactly what you'll get.

You’ll identify what skills and expertise you’re looking for, keeping in mind your business culture and needs

We’ll provide you a team comprised of top-notch employees who are just as passionate about work as you are

You'll get to match your eCommerce business with the perfect employees, so you can finally promote and increase your profit margins

You’ll receive help in building a relationship with them to instigate a good working relationship

Our 14-day guarantee assures you that we will give you new talent should your current ones fail to meet your expectations

Finally, It’s Your Turn

I've picked the testimonials above from Person A, Person B, and Person C not because they are the most cheering, but because they are a good representation of what working with me feels like and what you can expect.

I genuinely believe this is the most accurate reflection of what's ahead of you. And I am certain you'll say something equally good after working with me and my team.

Recap! Here's exactly what you'll get.

You’ll identify what skills and expertise you’re looking for, keeping in mind your business culture and needs

We'll provided you a team comprised of top-notch employees who are just as passionate about work as you are

You'll get to match your eCommerce business with the perfect employees, so you can finally promote and increase your profit margins

You’ll receive help in building a relationship with them to instigate a good working relationship

Our 14-day guarantee assures you that we will give you new talent should your current ones fail to meet your expectations

We’ll hire staff for you so that you can focus on growing your business. You won’t have to worry about hiring, training, or managing employees. We will handle all of the logistics and details so you can stay focused on running your business.

Imagine working with an entire team who knows how to run an eCommerce store like yours inside and out. They know exactly what it takes to grow revenue, increase profitability, and take care of customers in ways that would be impossible without them.

You don’t need another person worrying about these things. We’ll do it for you. So you can stop wasting time trying to figure out how to manage everything yourself when there is a better solution available.

We’ll hire staff for you so that you can focus on growing your business. You won’t have to worry about hiring, training, or managing employees. We will handle all of the logistics and details so that you can stay focused on running your business.

Imagine working with an entire team who knows how to run an eCommerce store like yours inside and out. They know exactly what it takes to grow revenue, increase profitability, and take care of customers in ways that would be impossible without them.

You don’t need another person worrying about these things. We’ll do it for you. So you can stop wasting time trying to figure out how to manage everything yourself when there is a better solution available.

It’s Decision Time

It’s Decision Time

You have a choice to make: Do what you’ve been doing (or worse, do nothing at all).

You know where that will lead...

Another halfhearted attempt to grow your eCommerce business ...and you not getting there because of potholes in your team. Is that really where you want to go? If the answer is NO, then

take a new action and get a new result!

Start today and build the foundation of a business that you can pass on to your children and grandchildren.

You won’t have to worry about hiring, firing, or managing employees.

We take care of all the details and make sure everything is running smoothly behind the scenes, so you can focus on scaling your business.

Go to this website and fill out the application to schedule a 15 min call that gives you the confidence in whether this is for you.

How It Works

How It Works

Hiring employees is expensive, time-consuming, and risky. You have to hire suitable candidates and think of all the logistics and tasks in this search.

eCom Mentors is a staffing service that solves all of these problems for you. We will handle the entire scouting and onboarding process so that you can focus on growing your business without worrying about employee management or payroll headaches.

Our Proprietary Headhunting Process

Step 1: Sign-up

Step 1: Sign-up

You determine that it's time to grow your eCommerce business by hiring the appropriate employees, so you click the ‘Schedule A Call’ button and see if you will be fit. Once you're in, we will send you an easy-to-follow Job Description where you’ll list down all requirements, skills, and expertise that you’re looking for in a candidate.

Step 2: Sourcing

Step 2: Sourcing

This is a large part of what you're paying for, alongside hiring the appropriate staff. We will help you find a qualified candidate to help your business scale. We’ll assist you in negotiating their salary too. Our team has several years of experience and know-how to ensure you get what you deserve in terms of quality, reliability, service-level agreement.

Step 3: Testing

Step 3: Testing

At this stage, we’ll gather as much information about candidates before making any decisions. This starts with phone interviews and face-to-face meetings (when possible). All candidates will undergo online testing, including background checks. After that comes an internal selection process where we’ll choose three hotshot individuals you can interview yourself.

Step 4: Interviews

Step 4: Interviews

We will interview you, clients and send you zoom recording of top candidates for you to choose from. We will send we will you instructions of what the virtual assistants will need to do their job.

Step 5: Team Delegation

Step 5: Team Delegation

Spend some time getting to know your new hires. They're going to help you scale and streamline your eCommerce business, so they need to understand its inner workings. Make your new employee feel valued and appreciated from day one. Establish a relationship with them early on to set expectations and get off on a good foot together.

You can now grow your relationship with the new talent that has joined you on your journey of growing your eCommerce business, where they will help make life more productive so you have time for what matters most.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

It's easy to be overwhelmed by the thought of leaving your staffing needs to others outside your eCommerce business. But don't worry, we've got you covered! We've compiled a list of some common queries below so please take the time to read them all before signing up.

If you still have questions after reading through these, don't hesitate to contact us anytime.

It generally takes 7-14 days for us to fill a position. However, depending on the amount of expertise you require, our current pool of applicants, and the speed with which we receive essential information from you (i.e. your Job Description), it may take longer. We're certain you'll agree that it's occasionally preferable to take a few additional days to locate the ideal candidate for your business.

Yes and also we assure that all candidates we hire already have certain amount of experience in the roles you need them to fulfill and can easily pick up on what is expected from day one. As an entrepreneur, you have different techniques and methods of doing things. So it's important to train your employees in some way for specific tasks at first. But once they learn, then everything should go smoothly.

Each candidate is vetted thoroughly for their professionalism, ability, and integrity before being offered a position with your business. Should you feel that our first batch of candidates has led to an unworthy hire, we’ll provide another person in line as substitute though our 14-day guarantee. If you still can't pick from our second batch of applicants after that, you'll have to register for our services again.

If you’re not satisfied with our candidate, we will provide another person in line as substitute though our 14-day guarantee. If after that time period you still find it difficult to pick from among the second pool of candidates, you must register again for our services. Please note that we do not provide a money-back guarantee.

Yes. If you want to register several times, please let our staff know so that we can provide you the discount link.

Yes. But since scouting takes a lot of time, resources, and money, we will classify it as part of our 14-day guarantee promise. Therefore, we will only deliver three finalized candidates based on your second choice. This culminates our service to you.

Yes. We can source candidates who work during your preferred timezone or hours, and they'll be happy to take the job even if it is an evening shift.

No. Scouting and hiring multiple clients simultaneiusly takes a lot of work and resources, so we only offer a discount for returning clients.

Yes, but most candidates prefer full-time and long-term positions. When looking for a part-time employee, it’s best if you disclose in your job description and follow through that they will be promoted and have their hours increased later on.

How long does it take you to complete your procedure from start to finish?

It generally takes 7-14 days for us to fill a position. However, depending on the amount of expertise you require, our current pool of applicants, and the speed with which we receive essential information from you (i.e. your Job Description), it may take longer.

We're certain you'll agree that it's occasionally preferable to take a few additional days to locate the ideal candidate for your business.

Will we train your new employee?

Yes and also we assure that all candidates we hire already have certain amount of experience in the roles you need them to fulfill and can easily pick up on what is expected from day one.

As an entrepreneur, you have different techniques and methods of doing things. So it's important to train your employees in some way for specific tasks at first. But once they learn, then everything should go smoothly.

What will we do if you don’t like the candidate we selected for you?

Each candidate is vetted thoroughly for their professionalism, ability, and integrity before being offered a position with your business. Should you feel that our first batch of candidates has led to an unworthy hire, we’ll provide another person in line as substitute though our 14-day guarantee.

If you still can't pick from our second batch of applicants after that, you'll have to register for our services again.

What should you do if you’re unsatisfied with your new employee?

If you’re not satisfied with our candidate, we will provide another person in line as substitute though our 14-day guarantee. If after that time period you still find it difficult to pick from among the second pool of candidates, you must register again for our services.

Please note that we do not provide a money-back guarantee.

Do we offer a discount for returning clients?

Yes. If you want to register several times, please let our staff know so that we can provide you the discount link.

Can you change your mind on the type of staff we locate for you once we begin scouting?

Yes. But since scouting takes a lot of time, resources, and money, we will classify it as part of our 14-day guarantee promise. Therefore, we will only deliver three finalized candidates based on your second choice. This culminates our service to you.

Can my new employee work during my preferred hours/time zone?

Yes. We can source candidates who work during your preferred timezone or hours, and they'll be happy to take the job even if it is an evening shift.

Do you extend a discount for hiring multiple candidates?

No. Scouting and hiring multiple clients simultaneiusly takes a lot of work and resources, so we only offer a discount for returning clients.

Do you hire part time staff?

Yes, but most candidates prefer full-time and long-term positions. When looking for a part-time employee, it’s best if you disclose in your job description and follow through that they will be promoted and have their hours increased later on.


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*Earnings Disclaimer*

Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real. These results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated and driven clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results.

You should perform your own due diligence and use your own best judgment prior to making any investment decision pertaining to your business. By virtue of visiting this site or interacting with any portion of this site, you agree that you’re fully responsible for the investments you make and any outcomes that may result.

Do you have questions about the Ecom Mentors?

Please email

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing sales, marketing and advertising for years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS PRODUCT.